I've decided to write my blog post this week about education in Montgomery County. What with the recent shooting of the Pakistani girl and the heated presidential debates, education seems to have become a higher priority in the eyes of the world.
The curriculum 2.0 system recently implemented in elementary schools in Montgomery County eliminates all advanced classes, claiming that by leaving the higher level kids in classes with the lower level kids will help the not-as-smart kids become smarter. There may be some truth in that, but the system holds the smarter kids back, causing them to move at a slower pace and learn at a lower level than they need and deserve.
Kids easily get bored, especially younger kids, so won't they be excrutiatingly bored staying in classes where the teachers have to teach to the lowest level? I went to a private school for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade. Everybody was in the same level of math and reading classes; I spent most of the classes staring into space. I know I am not extremely smart, but I do know that I can learn things relatively quickly. I had to switch into the public school system so that I could take more advanced classes.
By taking away advanced classes, we are holding are kids back, forcing them to adjust to the standards that we demand of them. This will teach the kids to never strive for higher goals and to never push their boundaries. This will teach them that mediocracy is acceptable and even encouraged. With attitudes like these, society will be stuck in a rut forever and advancements will not be made.
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