Sunday, December 2, 2012

Documentary Idea

I had this idea for our documentary project when my group was talking about the cool things you can find and do in DC.

I thought we could do a documentary on the homeless people of D.C. There are so many homeless people I see on benches in parks, outside doors on the streets, and standing on the sides of the road. I'm sure many of them have extremely moving stories of how they got to be where they are. I'd also like to see their views on the future; if they have any plans or if they are just living day by day.

We could interview various people all around D.C. and maybe get some street walkers and see what they think. I would really like to have different perspectives on the issue of the homeless, I don't think the documentary would be complete with just interviewing the homeless. We could also find people who volunteer in soup kitchens or who lead community outreach programs to hear their perspectives. We could also find people who maybe thought the homeless deserved to be where they are. It would create a more dynamic documentary to have various ideas, even if they are controversial.

This topic could be easily turned into a StudentCam documentary project for the C-SPAN competition, if desired. We would just have to add footage from C-SPAN news or other programs. I would like that, but it would be a lot more work and if it our documentary didn't turn out the exact way I wanted, I wouldn't want to enter it. I'll just have to see where it goes and see what my group wants to do.

I've also played with the idea of doing a C-SPAN doc on education in this country, but I don't think I'd have enough time to do it justice.

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